Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Benefactory in the Cyber Age

MUSIC/ART, DIGTAL TIP JARS, & 21st CENTURY BENEFACTORY: I posted a version of this essay last year, but was recently urged to up-date it and share again....so here it is:

It has constantly been suggested to me that I embrace the "subscription model" as an addition to my more traditional biz models. That is to say, I am now offering payment options for anyone who values my work and wants to support it - both one-off "tip jar" model and ongoing "monthly subscription" model.

This is to cover the additional (and unpaid) work that I do, such as the "Guitar Gods" interview series, my "Classic Covers" video performance series, various cost-free lesson articles and "Ask Me Anything" series, un-paid "Jam with the Skinny Devil" invitation open mic gigs, and more....(as a full-time self-employed musician, the overwhelming bulk of my income is through live performance & teaching).

A more comprehensive list is below, but in short, 2021 alone gave me the opportunity to host 36 non-paid invitation open mic gigs giving stage time to almost 50 different players, plus saw me publish 21 articles/lessons at Skinny Devil Magazine, another FIVE at Skinny Devil Universe, THREE "Ask Me Anything" videos, and another 28 performance videos.  More than that if we were counting since COVID struck....and it looks like we're off to a good start for 2022!

Friday, April 8, 2022

Free G4 Class Extras

Howdy, everyone!


We covered finger exercises, rhythm drills, scales, chords/chord drill, and more in the first class!

Below is some supplemental material for the free G4 class! We'll expand this a bit each week, but thought we'd give you a LOT this week to kick things off!


Free G1 Guitar Class Overiews

Howdy, everyone!


The below video gives a quick overview. We covered:

1) parts of the guitar
2) holding the guitar
3) up-strokes and down-strokes (or thumb & fingers if not using a pick)
4) basic finger exercise
5) picking patterns
6) basic rhythm drill
7) reading tabs - melody & the C major scale
8) basic open chords

See the video HERE.