Fall is here!!! Not officially, of course (that comes later this month), but the leaves are falling and school is back in session. It's time for the September Lifestyle Challenge!
For those new to the challenges, it isn't to compete against others. It's to push yourself to greater heights, have some company & inspiration along the way, and a few ideas the help get us focused. For example:
1) Exercise - Set a specific plan or goal(s). Keep us posted weekly (or more) on your progress!
2) Creativity - Music, art, writing, acting...set a goal to complete by month's end. Keep us posted!
3) Personal life - Re-affirm your personal relationships, get to that project/chore you've been avoiding, or just read a book you've always wanted to read!
4) Professional life - Set a work goal or change jobs or....just tell us what it is and keep us posted!
So here are my goals....
1) Exercise - Continue with hard training, but add extra cardio. I may shoot for one of the pull-up or chin-up records again, so I don't wanna pull any extra weight. Gonna try to strip it down to under 10% body fat.
2) Creativity - Get back on track with writing for the new Alien Blue CD!
3) Get organized!!! Finish "Rant" (Chuck Palahniuk) and then read "Orlando" (Virginia Woolf). Then to other suggestions I've received lately. Also, I think I'll drink no alcohol and get more hard-core with my eating. Considering another 100% raw vegan month...or maybe that except for once a week raw meat treats!
4) Post both "Guitar Gods" interviews that I didn't get to last month (Dave Martone and Frank Marino), set up gigs for students (Woodsongs pre-show, a few coffee shops, & some pay gigs), and follow up on a couple of interesting projects that combine my teaching and my duo with cool gigs!
Sooo......what about YOU?
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