Monday, October 26, 2020


Moments before we started playing!
ANOTHER TRIP around the sun, as they say, and now I'm 56....and, more importantly, it means I'm writing another annual "yesterday was great" piece. Only I really have to say the entire week was great, since we kicked off the celebration on Sunday night at Twisted Cork in Lexington, KY with the "Jam with Dave & Greg" (my buddy & bass player Greg Rhodus has a birthday 2 days before mine) event we do each year.

Lots of new folks hopped up to play as well as my good friends Debra Hurt and Ande Fee. Deb came up and sang "Dreams" by The Cranberries, and then Ande sang the Etta James classic "Sunday Kind of Love" and the old Hank Williams song "Cold Cold Heart". The after-party was quite the adventure, as well!

The week was fabulous, mostly teaching and a few business chats (re: Lexi Music Awards).

My actual birthday was Friday, which started with a quick visit to fix the kids breakfast, then a brutal workout at the gym (60 minutes cardio, 30 minutes resistance work, then bodyweight stuff like pull-ups & dips), ran some errands, and then over to visit the kids for the remainder of the day. Upon arrival, I got video of 2 attempts at one-arm pull-ups....the first a trail run (and my 8 year old dancing in the foreground) and then I did the real thing. Bad form, but got one on each side. Not bad for an old guy - haha! Gonna clean up that form and take it to the next level (goal: 3 reps each arm!).

One-arm pull-ups VIDEO.

My youngest granddaughter, Halloween party!

Then ate a HUGE salad (red cabbage, carrots, avocado with balsamic vinegar and oil dressing with extra pepper) and extremely rare beef seared in pepper and a splash of soy sauce. YUM! Being a Friday, I even had a second meal later in the day, and topped it off with spiced rum and a pizza party with the boys. Then one of my sons, Chris, grabbed me for a pitcher of beer & a few games of pool. The rest of the weekend was fabulous to spend more time with the boys as well as see 3 of the granddaughters at a kids Halloween party!

As I do each year, I'm posting an ODIS picture (that stands for "Old Dudes In Shape") as a challenge to my buddies who also post ODIS. Good accountability and keeps us all motivated!

If you are interested in the stories & photos from past birthdays, you can start hit THIS LINK, which will list them all.
Official ODIS photo for 56!

That's it for now. Gotta get to work prepping lessons, Lexi Music Awards, AMA video series, and my Monday Classic Covers video!

See y'all person, online, on TV, or wherever we shall meet!

#StayFierce #SkinnyDevil #FierceAF #SDMLguitar #LexiMusicAwards

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

RIP Eddie Van Halen

The first text & PM came in at 3:40pm today (Tuesday, October 6, 2020). Then my phone blew up....

EVH: One of the greatest EVER.
As I sit here, in between teaching guitar students and sneaking in business calls and trying to just do the gigs and not cancel the remainder of the day, I wonder how many people REALLY grasp the enormity of the impact Eddie has had on the world of guitar. And not just rock guitar, either; but especially rock guitar.

And the enormity of the impact his band, Van Halen, have had on the world of music. And not just rock music, either; but especially rock music. 

And I'm thinking that because I'm trying desperately to write something positive and educational and....of value. Value to everyone from the casual listener to the die-hard fans to the high level guitar shredders. Something useful, as Elon Musk would say.

And I will. And when its done, I'll post it here or, like Michael Jackson and David Bowie and Lemmy and Prince, I'll post it at Skinny Devil Magazine.

But I think I'm not going to write any more right now. I'm just going to go listen to Eddie play......

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Mini SDML Songwriting Workshop

Howdy, folks!

This is a miniature version of the songwriting workshops I've been conducting for the past decade or so as an extension of our work at SDML Academy of Guitar. While each workshop is unique (due to the participants, their skill levels, knowledge levels, and interests), the foundation is the same as what I'll be using here (except here, for brevity, there will be no discussion of items like form, prosody, stylistic tendencies, timbrel concerns, texture, dynamics, interplay, time changes or key changes, theme & variations, and the like).

To wit: Our framework will be to explore....

1) Rhythm

2) Melody

3) Chord progressions & Harmonization

4) Lyrics & Literary Devices

Let's jump right in!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Jimi Hendrix at Monterey - a Guitar Lesson

(The following is an excerpt from the "supplemental lessons" page - September/October edition - for my guitar students. Many more song charts, video tutorials, video drills, text, info, and more available there AND at the official SDML Academy of Guitar website, where you can sign up for a free 60 day trial!)


To only mildly over-simplify for brevity, it was his set at the Monterey Pop Festival (June 1967) that made Jimi an overnight sensation.

In tribute, I'm charting a few songs on his setlist from that show below, all cover songs. His opening song was the Howlin' Wolf classic "Killing Floor" (a classic 12-bar blues in A released in '64)), his mid-point song (5 of 9) was "Hey Joe" (the Byrds version was 1966), and he ended with "Wild Thing" (a song made famous just a year earlier by The Troggs) he was playing contemporary covers of the day, not classic covers. That is a non-trivial detail worthy of discussion in class!

As these are covers, they can also easily be contrasted with his writing style, which at times used simple structures like we see below (with an emphasis then placed on riffs, fills, licks, and the like), but at other times is far more complex (like "The Wind Cries Mary" from his first album, "Little Wing" - which we looks at last month - "Castles Made of Sand", and more).

Read more about the Monterey Pop Festival at the wikipedia page and more about Jimi Hendrix at his official website.....and see Jimi's Monterey setlist below!

"Killing Floor"

framed with a wicked high speed pentatonic riff, the structure is:
A - - - /A - - - /A - - - /A - - - /
D - - - /D - - - /A - - - /A - - - /
E - - - /D - - - /A - - - /E - - - /

"Hey Joe"

C - G - /D - /A - /
E - E7 - /E - E7 - /

"Wild Thing"

A - D - /E - D - /

Jimi's Monterey setlist:

1) "Killing Floor" - Howlin' Wolf
2) "Foxey Lady"
3) "Like a Rolling Stone" - Bob Dylan
4) "Rock Me Baby" - BB King
5) "Hey Joe" - The Byrds
6) "Can You See Me"
7) "The Wind Cries Mary"
8) "Purple Haze"
9) "Wild Thing"

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


HOWDY friends!

For those interested in guitar (or ukulele or electric bass.......or any of our workshops, from songwriting to improvisation to basic keyboard to social drumming and more), I thought I'd make this free mini lesson available so you can get a little taste of how we approach things! The GUITAR VIDEO IS AVAILABLE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE (but the parts of the lessons are not on video, so be sure to read the entire lessons below)....or, if the video isn't displaying properly, you can view it HERE

ALSO....the BASS video is HERE and the UKULELE video is HERE.

If you are interested in lessons, contact me directly at or visit our website for info on the system, instructors (me, Paulie, & JD), needs-based scholarship program, lessons options (group class, private lessons, real-time, pre-recorded, in-person, vitrtual, etc), and more: 

Let's break in down into several areas. Several of these items will also be on the video below.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

JULY Lifestyle Challenge

We do periodic lifestyle challenges that are always guided but very general. I thought I'd try something different this month. We all have huge lists of daily activities (from work to family to hobbies and more) and often the challenges we do get a tad overwhelming, even if well-intentioned.

So let's try a ONE GOAL PER WEEK challenge this month!

Pick ONE thing per week....hell, pick ONE thing for just this week right now and we'll worry about the rest of the month later!

Visit the May Lifestyle Challenge for ideas if you're new to this.

For me, I'll list them one for each of the 4 weeks of July:

1) I'm just going to try some new organizational tools in an attempt to weed out waste and increase my general productivity & presence. Thanx to my friend Eddy for a great "journaling" idea!

2) TBA

3) TBA

4) TBA

My bonus item: Having ONE gym day that gets heavier than other days (Wednesday, as of late). I go in earlier, do extra cardio, and try to do the regular resistance & body-weight work with some extra focus.

But our goal, remember, is pick ONE thing this week...and each week in July.

As always, you can leave comments on your goals below or contact me directly if you like!

Let's do it!!

Monday, May 11, 2020

The Music of James Bond

James Bond gun barrel design is also iconic!
Ian Fleming's "Casino Royale" was published in 1953 and with it, James Bond became one of the most iconic literary characters in history. The first movie, "Dr. No", was released in 1962, and with it, the James Bond became one of the most iconic film series in history.

Monty Norman was commissioned to compose the theme and John Barry was tasked with re-arranging the theme for "Dr. No", and with that, James Bond music became just as iconic.

In addition to the famous "James Bond Theme" (and the situational Bond themes heard in the series), there has been a tradition of one-off title themes beginning with the second movie, "From Russia with Love". Among the most successful of these songs are "Goldfinger" (1964) by John Barry & sung by Shirley Bassey, "Live and Let Die" (1973) by Paul McCartney and performed by his band Wings, "Nobody Does it Better" (1977) by Marvin Hamlish and sung by Carly Simon, "A View to a Kill" (1985) by John Barry with Duran Duran, "Die Another Day" (2002) written & performed by Madonna, and "No Time to Die" (2020) by Billie Eilish.
Gotta dress sharp to teach Bond.

Let's learn them all, shall we?

Monday, May 4, 2020

May Lifestyle Challenge

WITH EVERYONE STRUGGLING due to the stresses of the COVID-19 quasi-quarantine, I thought I'd skip our periodic lifestyle challenge.

However, in speaking to folks & seeing social media posts about the difficulties of lockdown & re-opening; the disruption and challenges to social, economic, physical, & psychological health; the humorous but telling "drinking at 10am, 3 naps a day, gaining weight" memes coupled with the very real increase in depression & hotline rates; and, bluntly, the people who have explicitly asked me to provide info or assistance with not only music (that's not unusual, obviously) but also diet, exercise, and "how you stay so positive"....well, I thought my initial thoughts might have been mistaken.


For those new to the challenges, it isn't to compete against others. It's to push yourself to greater heights, have some company & inspiration along the way, and a few ideas the help get us focused. For example, you can use this waving of the analytical knife to help organize your goals:

1) Exercise/Diet - Set a specific plan or goal(s). Keep us posted weekly (or more) on your progress!

2) Creativity - Music, art, writing, acting...set a goal to complete by month's end. Keep us posted!

3) Personal life - Re-affirm your personal relationships, get to that project/chore you've been avoiding, or just read a book you've always wanted to read!

4) Professional life - Set a work goal or change jobs or....just tell us what it is and keep us posted!

My personal goals include: 

1) Exercise/diet - Keep adjusting my workouts to continually keep my body guessing (without benefit of gym, this has been extremely challenging) and mix my eating up in similar fashion (including periodic short-duration fasts)...and I've been alcohol-free for a little over 2 weeks as I write this.

2) Creativity - Honestly, the majority of my creative output is currently focused on creative ways to generate income. 100% virtual lessons is working nicely, but many students have had to fall back onour scholarship program due to financial all my performance income is obviously gone. So, promoting music lessons, organizing upcoming workshops, doing song requests for tips, and the like has consumed much of my creative energy. And clearly I need to get even more creatove - haha! But challenges are always good, so on I trek!

3) Personal life - Spending extra time with grandkids to make sure they are handling the abrupt adjustments with minimal stress. 

4) Professional life - See item #2 above - haha!

Soooo.....share publicly or priately, and please don't hesitate to reach out for anything you may need!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


with Max Corona of WBVX radio
I was recently asked about press stuff I'd done. Most of the broadcast media is local TV, which is no longer available, and many of the radio things were never available, and the various local print pieces are also not available. That said, there are quite a few out there - from blogs to radio to TV and the like - so I'm trying to collect them all to put here. 

I'll include pieces on me in general (usually as a teacher or player) as well as interviews I've done for the Lexi Music Awards (a show I founded and still produce). When possible, I'll include publish/air dates.

The list will NOT include appearances on national TV & radio (Woodsongs, PBS, Lifetime, MTV) as I wasn't being interviewed in most cases, and also won't include interviews or stories on students who mention me or SDML Academy of Guitar in the stories (various TV spots, Family Magazine, and others), or articles I've written for Zen Guitar or 8-notes or MusicDish or other web publications or print publications in the past. The list will also not include long-form shows where I've also been interviewed, like my 2017 appearance on Red Barn Radio.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

SDML Help for Music Instructors

Right to the point: The current COVID-19 situation caught many of us completely off-guard. Luckily for Paulie & JD & me at SDML Academy of Guitar, we had been using online resources for students for quite some time, and had even implemented our VGC (Virtual Guitar Class) many months ago, so the quasi-quarantine forced transition to the 100% virtual model was not as painful as it has been for many.

Due to this, we've been asked multiple times by individual instructors if we can help them. This brief post is an attempt to lend a quick hand.

The good news: There are dozens of options!

The bad news: There are dozens of options!


APRIL Guitar Lessons

EDIT: This post will NOT be up-dated. All up-dates and future student info will be available at the new SDML Student Blog. If you are a student and did NOT receive the new URL, please contact me as soon as possible!

Hello, everyone! I hope this finds you and yours doing well and adjusting to our new (but thankfully temporary) pandemic-driven reality. Info for both group & private students below (including supplemental material for everyone).

Also, if you haven't already, please sign up as a member at the SDML membership page so you will have access to all the material we offer.

Those students signed up with me, you can pay for April with card or Paypal account at my directly link or Venmo at ....and I'm looking into options from Square for online payments, as many of you have been using your card via my Square reader.

1) PRESS - I've done a fair bit of local press in the past couple of weeks discussing SDML Academy of Guitar's transition to 100% virtual learning model, our needs-based scholarship program, the impact on the local & national music & arts community, and much more. I've collected the WLEX-TV interview and the WUKY and WBVX radio interviews and placed them HERE for anyone interested

WLEX-TV Story and WBVX & WUKY Radio Stories

MY THANX to Nancy Cox and  Kristen Edwards and all the folks at WLEX-TV Channel 18, as well as Chris Teesdale, the good folks at Willis Music Company, and David Miller for being the perfect test subject!!

And major shout to JD Wright & Paulie Felice of SDML Academy of Guitar and all of our students!

The WLEX website has the web story HERE (text & photos & links) while the WLEX YouTube channel posted the broadcast version of the story (see below).

In addition, a couple of weeks ago I did 2 radio interviews....

My thanx to both NPR affiliate WUKY (& Joe Conkwright) and the mighty Max Corona at Classic Rock 92.1 WBVX for allowing me to discuss the current hardships in the local music & arts community, as well as the entire chain (venues, bar & restaurants, retail support, broadcast & print media, music educators, etc) that performing artists rely.

The audio for the WUKY story can be heard HERE.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Needs-Based Scholarships

We (me and my partners-in-crime at SDML Academy of Guitar) have always had a standing policy that lack of cash should never EVER stand in the way of learning music. Ever.

With the COVID-19 induced quasi-quarantine, we have moved to a 100% "virtual" model for guitar lessons so that no one has to miss a lesson (or risk their health), whether a private or a group student. And this will extend to the workshops I conduct, from songwriting workshops to improvisation workshops and the like. We will resume the face-to-face option once things settle down, BUT.....

.....the situation has also created huge and often unimaginable financial hardships. As we move forward together through this global emergency, please be aware that if you (or someone you know, wherever in the world they may be) can no longer afford lessons, you need only tell us! Fill out the scholarship form and submit it, and you won't need to miss a single lesson.

We at SDML Academy of Guitar are incredibly fortunate to have found a path in life that we not only love, but have been able to turn into a vocation that allows us to pay the bills.

What we do, we do for YOU....whether you can currently afford it or not.

Stay strong, stay safe, and keep playing!

#SDMLguitar #SkinnyDevil #StayFierce #CombatCorona #TeamWorld

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Virus Concerns & Student Info

I hope this note finds you all safe and secure during this crisis. Everyone's health and safety is first and foremost on our minds at SDML Academy of Guitar.

This note is specifically to focus on how we're moving forward with my students of guitar (& all other instruments, like bass, piano, ukulele, percussion, & voice). Workshop students will receive a workshop-specific note.

As current PRIVATE students already know, we have transitioned completely to VIRTUAL lessons using all the technology at out disposal (texting lessons sheets, providing recorded video support, and live streaming where necessary).

We are also transitioning the new GROUP session students to VIRTUAL by utilizing our VGC (Virtual Guitar Class) option at the academy website.

PRIVATE AND GROUP: Please go to and see the "membership" page, and sign up. There will be NO COST for current students. NEW students will get a 60 day FREE trial.

In securing this membership, you will gain access to ALL online support materials (videos, docs, etc), event discounts, and the like.

GROUP: Enroll in Virtual Guitar Class (VGC) here:
Once you are enrolled, I will send each weekly lesson to you via text & email. We will continue this approach until things return to some sense of normalcy, and group lessons are again something we can do face-to-face at Willis Music.

PRIVATE: I'm working out the kinks now, and by next week everyone will receive your lesson on your scheduled lesson day OR EARLIER! We will continue this approach until things return to some sense of normalcy, and private lessons are again something we can do face-to-face at Hurst Music.

PAYMENT: All payments can be made on-line directly to me at with PRIVATE lessons at a cost of $100/month and GROUP lessons at a cost of $200 per 8-week session.

We also have the "SDML Guitar Students and Alumni” Facebook group at and I would suggest everyone join the group.

Other relevant links (please utilize the "like" & "subscribe" & "follow" options):

SDML Academy of Guitar at YouTube....Instagram...and the official site.
Me, David M. McLean, at Youtube....Instagram...and official site.

In the words of Paulie Felice (SDML Program Director): Thanks to all of you for cooperating on this, and please do not hesitate to contact me for help. I’m expecting a lot of questions and requests for assistance, because this is a confusing situation and a new reality for now!

Stay safe and stay strong!

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Going Viral

I am worried about my family and my friends, my peers and my community. And while I'm working on a more "journalistic" piece for Skinny Devil Magazine, I just wanted to talk to you here, one on one, as we talk face to face. Just us, talking.

So I've been checking on gigs I had booked and pending, and find myself collecting cancellations, and I know my musician friends are collecting cancellations, too. I am worried about keeping secure those who depend on me and my income.

And I am worried about my musician friends who gig significantly more (or make a greater portion of their income via live performance), knowing that many have had 3 or 4 or even a dozen cancellations already this month. Those who play locally as well as those who perform regionally & nationally.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

March Student Info

HOWDY! A quick note for info on programs new and old, next recital, gig opportunities, field trip(s), private lessons slots, new sessions, & more!

1) MONTHLY TUITION - First of the feel free to use cash or check or card on-site OR, if its more convenient, use the following PayPal link at to pay on-line directly. 

1.5) We have new programs, including our official SDML membership (see below), so we can split your payment accordingly.

2) GUITAR RECITAL - The next recital will be in early time to get ready! We're also planning a new set of field-trips (recording studios, TV & radio stations, several venues, and more) and we'll have info on those soon!

3) STUDENT GIGS - I book the Woodsongs Preshow (lobby music prior to the taping) at the Lyric Theatre for each Monday. If you are interested in performing, contact me quick - we're making out the schedule for the next few months now!

4) LESSONS - New GROUP session starts the week of March 16 and runs 9 weeks (8 weeks plus spring break off)....and PRIVATE lesson openings available now! We also have a LOT of new options, including a membership program (which includes premium content web resources, discounts on classes, lessons, workshops), unlimited text/email support, industry field-trips, t-shirt, gig opportunities, etc). For details, visit:

4.5) ONLINE LESSONS - We ran several BETA sessions and are now full-swing into the new on-line lessons option, called VGC (Virtual Guitar Class). For information, visit:

5) WORKSHOPS - We're booking workshops now to cover subjects like songwriting and improvisation...and also working on Virtual Workshops on the same topics and more! Details soon....

6) YOUTUBE & Social Media - Please subscribe to both my YouTube channel and the SDML YouTube channel....and you can also me, SDML Academy of Guitar, & Lexington Music Awards on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the like.

7) SD MAGAZINE - Don't forget that SD Magazine has not only the "Guitar Gods" interview series (my interviews with over 80 world class players, from unknown gurus to Grammy Award winners), but other interviews, style lessons, music reviews, art, photography, fashion, dance/movement, and much more!

8) PERSONAL GIGS - Booking summer shows now....and you can catch me the final Friday of March at Taziki's in Lexington! Spring/summer performance & workshops locations/dates to be announced soon!

That's it for now! Stay tuned....and hope to see y'all soon!

#SDMLguitar #SDMLAcademyOfGuitar #SkinnyDevil #SDMLguitar 

Sunday, February 16, 2020

SDML Guitar Students Info/Resources

HOWDY! A quick note for info on programs new and old, plus the next guitar recital!

Also, the flu has wreaked a bit of havoc on schedules (thankfully it seems to be passing now), so if you missed your payment you can either bring a check next lesson or use the direct PayPal link at 
Teaching & learning is always fun!

1) GUITAR RECITAL - The next recital is Sunday, February 23 at 2pm at Willis Music. Open to all current AND former come on down and share a song!

2) LESSONS - New GROUP session starts the week of March 16 and runs 9 weeks (8 weeks plus spring break off)....and PRIVATE lesson openings available now! We also have a LOT of new options, including a membership program (which includes premium content web resources, discounts on classes, lessons, workshops), unlimited text/email support, industry field-trips, t-shirt, gig opportubnities, etc). For details, visit:

3) LESSONS 2.0 - We ran several BETA sessions and are now full-swing into the new on-line lessons option, called VGC (Virtual Guitar Class). For information, visit:

4) WORKSHOPS - We're booking workshops now to cover subjects like songwriting and improvisation...and also working on Virtual Workshops on the same topics and more! Details soon....

MJ (Z-103), me, Tyler Childers, & one of LFC's finest!
5) YOUTUBE & Social Media - Please subscribe to both my YouTube channel and the SDML YouTube channel....and you can also me, SDML Academy of Guitar, & Lexington Music Awards on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the like.

6) SD MAGAZINE - Don't forget that SD Magazine has not only the "Guitar Gods" interview series (my interviews with over 80 world class players, from unknown gurus to Grammy Award winners), but other interviews, style lessons, music reviews, art, photography, fashion, dance/movement, and much more!

7) PERSONAL GIGS - Booking summer shows now....and you can catch me this Friday in Winchester at Cairn and next Friday at Taziki's in Lexington! Spring/summer performance & workshops locations/dates to be announced soon!

That's it for now! Stay tuned....and hope to see y'all soon!

#SDMLguitar #SDMLAcademyOfGuitar #SkinnyDevil

Friday, January 3, 2020

2020 Gigs - Skinny Devil on-stage

January will see me at Taziki's on the final Friday of the month followed by the 6th Lexi Music Awards (which I produce). I'll likely be doing some press on local radio & TV, which is always fun!

Hoping to do a few more national TV spots again this year!

Both performance gigs and workshop gigs are being arranged now, and look to include central in-state gigs in Lexington, Georgetown, Winchester, Nicholasville, Frankfort, Morehead, Shelbyville, Louisville, and Richmond.

Out of state gigs will likely be limited Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, and perhaps West Virginia and/or Georgia.

Workshops include Songwriting, Improvisation, and the outside possibility of a corporate-focused music & movement centered "leadership and team-building" workshop.
Performances will focus heavy on both concert sets and "Jam with the Devil" play-along gigs.

If YOU are interested in me coming to your town (clubs, coffee shops, music stores, house concerts, etc), don't be shy about dropping me a line at with your ideas!


Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2020 Goals & Lifestyle Challenge

Sooooo...this is basically a re-print of last year's 2019 Goals & Lifestyle Challenge, which allows us all to look over last year and assess our progress to help inform our 2020 goals. For transparency, I will point out both where I succeeded AND where I failed.

Given that its January 1st, perhaps we'll do our annual "goals" and our periodic "lifestyle challenge" all in a single shot!

Lifestyle Challenge

For those new to the challenges, it isn't to compete against others. It's to push yourself to greater heights, have some company & inspiration along the way, and a few ideas the help get us focused. For example, you can use this waving of the analytical knife to help organize your goals: