Friday, October 21, 2011

Recital Vids & moree!

Quick note....recital videos, new recital, new session, scholarships:

1) Guitar Lessons:

     a) Groups Classes - the new session begins NEXT WEEK at both Beaumont and the CoC. GTR-1, GTR-2, GTR-3, GTR-4, and Youth-GTR!

     b) Private Lessons - I may have a few early slots opening up. I'll keep you posted, but best to contact me now about possible openings.

2) Scholarships - Scholarships at ALL 3 locations are available. Contact me for information! Do NOT let financial stress stop you or anyone you know from taking guitar lessons. help me keep the SDML scholarship alive, please lend a hand - SPREAD THE WORD about lessons!

3) Recital Videos - The videos from the last recital are up! Here's the playlist:

4) Recital - Reminder....the next recital is Sunday, November 6 at the Beaumont YMCA. First names A thru K at 1pm. First names L thru Z at 3pm.

That's all for now......

"So, my big brother was playing guitar and I figured I'd try it too."
-- Stevie Ray Vaughan

“Together we can change the world, one good deed at a time.”
-- Anon
Backing up Nancy at a 2011 guitar student recital!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Guitar Student Newsletter

Guitar Student Newsletter
October 2011


Coming up FAST on the holidays...the next recital...a new lesson schedules....

Monday, October 3, 2011

OCTOBER Lifestyle Challenge!

Here we are...OCTOBER of 2011! Time for another challenge....which, as an aside, I'm now linking in more venues than just FB (feel free to share this link elsewhere if you'd like).

For those new to the challenges, it isn't to compete against others. It's to push yourself to greater heights, have some company & inspiration along the way, and a few ideas the help get us focused. For example, you can use this waving of the analytical knife to help organize your goals:

1) Exercise - Set a specific plan or goal(s). Keep us posted weekly (or more) on your progress!

2) Creativity - Music, art, writing, acting...set a goal to complete by month's end. Keep us posted!

3) Personal life - Re-affirm your personal relationships, get to that project/chore you've been avoiding, or just read a book you've always wanted to read!

4) Professional life - Set a work goal or change jobs or....just tell us what it is and keep us posted!

I'll post my goals below, and then provide weekly up-dates...

How about YOU?