Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November Lifestyle Challenge

Here we are...NOVEMBER of 2011! Time for another challenge....which, as an aside, I'm now linking in more venues than just FB (feel free to share this link elsewhere if you'd like).

For those new to the challenges, it isn't to compete against others. It's to push yourself to greater heights, have some company & inspiration along the way, and a few ideas the help get us focused. For example, you can use this waving of the analytical knife to help organize your goals:

1) Exercise - Set a specific plan or goal(s). Keep us posted weekly (or more) on your progress!

2) Creativity - Music, art, writing, acting...set a goal to complete by month's end. Keep us posted!

3) Personal life - Re-affirm your personal relationships, get to that project/chore you've been avoiding, or just read a book you've always wanted to read!

4) Professional life - Set a work goal or change jobs or....just tell us what it is and keep us posted!

I'll post my goals below, and then provide weekly up-dates...

How about YOU?


  1. EXTRA FITNESS CHALLENGE: In addition to your regular work-out, add extra push-ups!!!

    I'm adding 100 per day for 30 days!

  2. I'm still running every day and have been amazed at the stamina I am gaining. I go longer each day... about an hour and fifteen minutes each session now.
    Creatively, I am proud to announce the launch of the Teen Howl Poetry Series at morris book shop. beginning THIS Thursday! It is an open mic opportunity for the under twenty-one crowd and I am proud to be serving our community in coordination with the Carnegie Center for Literacy and Learning! The Series will meet the first Thursday of every month.
    Finally, I am finishing my second collection of poems as I seek publication for my first collection I completed this summer. My work is most recently included in the forthcoming anthology of poems by Accents Publishing.

  3. Guess who? ;) Still treading water over here in the heart of Southern New England.
    Exercise: Have recently experienced a significant remission of symptoms (began about three weeks ago)...while not complete, it has allowed me to exercise more, lose ten pounds, cure my head with sun and fresh air etc.
    Goal: Ride this wave as long as it lasts... figure out if I can do anything that will make it last longer...or make the bennies of it last longer

    Creativity: Goal: Ongoing Sept-December. Still supporting my youngest as she develops her role as Sheila in HAIR. Goal: Packed house for all three show nights and a successful production for everyone involved. I guess this creative goal is also a personal relationship goal at the moment (HAIR and supporting Jodie)... eh. Where's Freud when I need him?
    Goal: Saving pennies, literally, for a new camera. My Nikon got lifted out of my car early this fall.

    Personal Relationships: Goal: Ongoing... Support Joe through his career change. He just graduated in Oct (GO JOE) but won't have his ceremony til May. Goal: Ongoing... Support Billie in her career start. These latter two are actually one BIG challenge in RI's economy where the "reportable" unemployment was estimated to be 12% this week. Goal: Ongoing...Think up/implement "Get rich quick Scheme" that works. ;) Goal: Ongoing... Continue to support the grandmas with their struggle to maintain dignity and independence as they age. This continues to become more challenging by the day. Goal: Ongoing- To keep the faith that better times can and will come again.

    Professional: Goal: New,and ongoing... Do not work more at home than is necessary. Need to set personal limits and improve time management. If I can improve my skill in those areas, I'll rarely be working at home. Work at home is completely self induced misery and wholly within my control. I think. Better check with Medicare first though, the feds might have other plans for me. ;)Goal: Ongoing...Do not internalize bureacratic system failures as my own failures. This is an ongoing goal that I have not made much progress with in over 17 years. It is the one that needs the most work on my end and no doubt. Goal: Ongoing... Don't kill anybody... Goal: Ongoing... Don't get sued, or fired. Goal: Ongoing...Prevent transmission resistant bacterial infections or other reasonably gnarly communicable disease.. to self and others. Goal: ongoing... improve crisis management skill.

    Well, that sounds like it's ending on a bummer note but you know "me" well enough to realize it's not really a bummer note. Sometimes things just suck and I'd be foolish to try and pretend they don't. Doesn't mean I can't enjoy a few things now and then.

    Personal Joy of this season is trudging through odd wooded and abandoned land lots near residential property (no hunting territory) that I usually overlook in non hunting seasons. My dog Copper loves bushwhacking as much as I do. It's amazing the adventures we have out there! I remain obsessed with local archeology and "rocks" and have made some new friends who are similarly obsessed. A couple of them inhabit the anthropology and archeology "expert" realm (Gravel geeks is what I've been calling them). On days when I don't feel well enough to bushwhack, I spend hours reading on these topics. This current obsession ties in nicely to MANY of my previous obsessive study topics from the past.

    There's Karma working in all this somewhere, I just know it.

    Glad to get your news every month, sorry I'm too lame to post every month but imposed schedules make me rebel. :) You'll hear from me once in awhile. I am happy to be included. Best to you and yours from me and mine as always.
